Rush Hour…toughen up baby!

Certain subway lines (#13, #12 in particular) are crowded from the moment they start running at 5:30am up until their last run in-between 1:30am and 2:00am. With this said, you can imagine rush hour on these already packed subway cars….so from 5:00pm until 7:30pm (rush hour) you need to toughen up and know it is all about survival and doing your best to “squeeze” in where ever possible to make room on the train before the doors close. It can be so aggressive at certain stops because of the sheer volume of people, that the Metro System Employees have to stand guard and stop people from stuffing themselves into trains, so limbs are not hanging out of the closed doors… and stop people inside the car from being soooo cramped that chaos ensues.

I think my pictures below illustrate the “assertiveness” and the need to toughen up — and just be happy you made it on the train (comfort is not an option) it’s about getting from point A to point B by any means necessary :-) …even if that means being sandwiched against the windows and doors of the car…bon voyage !

Seconds before the doors close…so squeeze in now or wait until the next train arrives….you can do it !!!!


Success !! Look how smushed the lady is looking at me while I take her picture…we both smiled at each other!
Also, look at the guy behind her (hard to see him) smashed up against the other door window, you can see his head and arm jammed up against the door window :) !!!

Hey…this is just like one of my college frat parties!

When those doors open…just push in!

Keep pushing….

Success…now is not the time to start thinking about being claustrophobic!!

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