Don’t Blink — That’s your BMW being “hoisted”!

You have to love watching someone who is good at their job…no matter the speciality! This tow truck driver literally pulled up, strapped up his prey and moved on with his catch all within 8 to 10 minutes (max)!

Of course I have seen many cars towed over the years in lots of big cities….but I have never seen a car “hoisted” like a sack of potatoes and removed…it was great fun to watch (in a voyeuristic kind of way because it was not my car:)!

Ok, set your stop watch….Tow truck driver sees his prey in a no parking area in front of an embassy….stops truck next to car (Black BMW)…jumps out of truck, moves truck hoist above car, literally throws two industrial strength straps under car, runs to other side of car with straps waiting to be picked up, grabs straps hooks them to hoist above car,  fast walk back to side of tow truck and begins hoisting (“picking the car up”) and maneuvering like he was playing one of those 3 pronged claw vending machine games inside restaurants… where you try and grab a stuffed animal by ever-so gently moving the dangling 3 pronged claw just right, to drop on top of your stuffed animal of choice and hope there is enough strength to pull the stuffed animal up and drop in chute for your prize….well this is how it looked when he was maneuvering this massive car, that was literally dangling in the air as he gently controlled the swing of the heavy car and dropped it on the bed of his truck….I wanted to clap when he was done! I did give him a thumbs up as he drove past me…he smiled!

I hope my pictures do this event justice!

Someone time me…!!




Oh boy…steady!

Steady…this would not be the time for multitasking!

That’s it…get the car level

A little higher….easy does it

Big move here….keep control of the swaying car…stay focused.


Piece of cake….Next!!!

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