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Taste of Paris

Boulangeries/Patisseries/Fromageries….Oh My!
In Paris, one of the things I have personally come to appreciate more than ever over the years is how much time, thought, energy and artistic flair goes into every type of food display and storefront…the French absolutely believe and prove out time and again that we definitely eat with our eyes first…..walking these historic streets is literally a feast for the eyes!
I’m almost certain this section will get most of my attention…this is where Good and Evil (Will Power verse Temptation) joust on a daily basis… as I stroll the streets of the gourmet capital of the world……let the battle begin!!
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”
― Virginia Woolf

One of my top 3 favorites question!
Moelleux means "plush" !

La Boulangerie Julien

La Boulangerie Julien is well known and located in the 1st arrondissement next to the always crowded pedestrian streets of Les Halles…a …