Beautiful Beaune and it’s famous wine auction!

There are many exciting and prominent festivals in France throughout the year. When it comes to a charity festival, no event is bigger or grander than “de la Venteaux enchères des Vins des Hospices de Beaune” (wine auction for the hospital of Beaune). I have always wanted to visit the beautiful Burgundy city of Beaune and experience this world famous wine auction for many years ….so what better time than now!  

Side note – this auction is strictly “Burgundy” region wines (or in French- Bourgogne)…no Bordeaux allowed :) …the reason I highlight this point is because in France when you are having a serious wine discussion (and most of the time in not-so serious wine discussions) on what region of France has the best wine — you need to be prepared for strong opinions and heated debate (of course)…in other words, you will be asked to pick what camp you support — i.e. The Hatfield or the McCoys…so come armed with good knowledge and tasting experience because this topic becomes as passionate as political and religious conversations.There have been hundreds (thousands) of books, competitive wine tastings, informal and formal world debates on Bourgogne wines verse Bordeaux wines….so I will leave you to personally decide (I believe I have decided but will wait to visit Bordeaux one more time this year…stay tuned:). The next time your in the Bourgogne region of France just ask a Bourgognes what region has the best wine — Bourgogne or Bordeaux ??– you will undoubtedly hear a version of this “Bordeaux makes great business, Bourgogne makes great wine” !

This massive wine auction (in it’s 152nd year) is considered the most prestiges charity auction in the world…based on money raised. This year’s wine auction raised 5.9 million euros (7.8 million dollars)!! Each year a famous French socialite, actor, politician or sports star is chosen to auction off the top barrel or as it was called this year the “pièce des présidents” (the President’s barrel) because the special quest (auctioneer) for the event was France’s former First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy (former French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s beautiful and gracious Italian model wife).

I cannot recommend enough a visit to Beaune, especially during this incredible weekend festival…this medieval town is charming as can be and for wine enthusiasts it doesn’t get better! You can visit dozen of wineries/caves and sample and learn about some of the best wines in the world! I brought a few bottles of Burgundy’s finest back to share with Stéphane and friends…Stéphane is a Burgundy loyalist!!



Beaune was once a fortified city.

This is a nighttime shot of one of the city’s beautiful ramparts .

The famous courtyard of the historic Hospices de Beaune

Roof line of Hospices de Beaune

Inside Hospices de Beaune…reconstructed to show how the hospital beds would have been organized.

Crowd in front of historic Hospices de Beaune waiting to see Carla Bruni-Sarkosy appear and start the wine auction.

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy auctioning off the “pièce des présidents” (the President’s barrel).
(not my picture)

Let the Party and Parade begin in this beautiful city…!!!

A number of marching bands…all types of music.

Even an American Style marching band…!!

Beaune Fête

Beaune Fête…jam packed!

Beaune Fête

Beaune Fête

These guys were very impressive working the stilts!

Talk about food options…here we go!












Can you guess what’s Burgundy’s most famous meal ??

Aaaahhh…where to begin?

Baked in butter, garlic & basil !

The French love their Jambon (Ham) & Saucissons (Sausages)…!

Pâte anyone…!

You can smell the fries a mile away…!

Steak Frites…is always a top choice among the crowd!


Time for a cheese chaser…!!

Sweet Treat anyone….?!

Nougat in all flavors and forms is extremely popular….

Jam or Nutella…Hmmmm ??

Let the Burgundy wine tasting begin…..








One of Beaune’s most prestigious caves…

Entry into Patriarche wine cellar…

Terrific way to teach and train your nose how to identify wine aromas….Ingeniously large glass sniffing vessels (if I may)!

Does your wine have a fruity (raspberry, strawberry, blueberry) essence…

Cafe essence…dark roast, lighter roast?

Hint of Floral…

Is there an essence of citrus ….

Does your Chardonnay have a buttery essence….

Tasting tour begins…

First of 10 tastings…4 white – 6 red

Wines from every year since 1900….amazing to think about what was occurring in the world when these wines were being bottled!

1 of 10 very skilled oenophiles at each tasting station providing facts on these great wines….this was a Hospices de Beaune (magnum) – a 1981 Savigny-les-Beaune Cuvée Fouquerand 

Tasting a 1972 Romanée Saint-Vivant Grand Cru…..our Patriarche oenophile was terrific at explaining the stature and complexities of a 40 year old Grand Cru.



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