A touch of Boston in Paris…

Let me introduce to you two close and wonderful friends, Michael and Rachel Prindle.

Michael and I met approximately 4.5 years ago as colleagues at MDVIP, Inc. Michael is a very successful Executive Director for MDVIP and Rachel is a very successful Lawyer in Boston, who runs her own law firm with her brother. Both born and raised in Boston, you will not find two prouder Bostonians than Michael and Rachel!

Michael and Rachel came to visit me during the long President’s weekend this January. We had a chance to tour a little of Paris, drink lots of wine, eat lots of cheese and sample a number of baguettes and sweet treats from a few Boulangeries!

There were many fun moments during their visit, but the best part was the time we had catching up after 6 months and realizing how much I have missed them and seeing once again why I’m so thankful they are my friends (and hopefully still my friends after this trip:)!

I had to start Michael and Rachel’s visit off with a comedy show “How to Be a Parisian in One Hour”.
Here they are joining the show’s star Olivier Giraud demonstrating the famous Parisian lips of lust!
Michael’s a natural?!











Metro Passage Way

A quick stop to take a picture with a 9 piece underground band during one of our Metro (subway) rides. Michael and Rachel thought the band’s tip jar was for complimentary change for a metro ticket…. they did return the money after we talked about the concept :-)!

A fun, private cheese tasting with a top chef!

10 unique cheeses, paired with 10 different wines, or aperitifs from the same region as the cheeses.


Rachel was craving a chocolate soufflé the whole trip, so a visit to one of my favorite chocolate soufflé restaurants was a must (with a terrific rosé champagne)!



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