METROpolitan Life

The Paris Metro system is an incredible example of controlled-chaos….as the 2nd busiest metro system in Europe (after Moscow)…it shuttles over 4.5 million people “every day” (1.5 billion a year). There are 16 underground lines alone that cover 133 miles with 301 stations (384 stops). These 16 lines are numbered and color coordinated. Metro station Châtelet–Les Halles is considered the largest underground Metro station in the world with 5 subways and 3 regional trains (RERs) connecting in this one location….and I have not even touched upon the massive bus and train system structure in and around Paris. 
As you can imagine, commuting everyday in a major city like Paris with so many people, from so many walks-of-life….you could experience beauty, poverty, kindness, chaos, insecurity, sadness, love and laughter all in one day…it’s literally a constantly evolving, yet never finished piece of art. In this section of my blog I want to share with you some of my travel moments above and below ground in this mesmerizing world.
“One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries”…. A.A. Milne

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