Winner of the Top Doggie Day Camp !

While  walking by my neighborhood art center,the Louvre :-) ….I saw this man and his ingenious way of keeping his doggie day camp clients busy.

I have never seen this throwing device before….so here is how it works, you place the “fetch” ball in this throwing wand for 1) ease of use on your arm and 2) for ball distance….while some of the dogs are chasing after their balls, some are returning with their catch….the process continues for as long as you or your clients burn out…it’s a tremendous workout for the dogs and the thrower keeps his arm from falling off…brilliant!

Suggestion to all dog lovers…find this throwing device, a big yard and start up your own doggie day care for one hour a day and soon you’ll be buying a piece of artwork from The Louvre!

Ok, ready to exercise…

Release the hounds…..

You guys go that way….towards the Louvre entrance!

Keep running…

What took you so long…

Are you tired yet…?!

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