Flavia & Stéphane and Family

Flavia and Stéphane are two of my treasured friends…and because of their wonderful friendship I’m now living in Paris and couldn’t be happier!

(Even though Flavia and Stéphane will be uncomfortable with me highlighting them in this manner, I felt it was important to introduce them in a more personal way…because they are special friends and you will see and hear their names mentioned numerous times throughout my blog).

I first met Flavia 21 years ago in Belfast Ireland (and thankfully she has endured and stayed friends with me ever since). Flavia Giovanelli is from the great city of Bologna Italy. Over the past 21 years Flavia (and Stéphane), her parents (Odetta and Alberto) and brother and sister in-law (Nicola & Veronica) have visited me and my family in the US several times and I have had the great opportunity to visit the Giovanelli’s in Bologna Italy for leisure, holidays, and weddings. Flavia is incredibly smart and one of – if not the most - articulate (expressive) individual’s I know. Flavia will help anyone at anytime with a smile, no questions asked…a proud and wonderful mother of 3 children (two girls, one boy), she speaks 4 languages fluently and 2 additional socially. Flavia works for the European Union as Chargée de mission / Project Officer. Flavia travels throughout the European Union (currently 27 countries) to provide grants and establish, create and monitor youth projects to create a uniformed and collaborative mindset in the youth of all 27 EU countries….Instilling Europe is One community now and not 27 individual parts. Behind the scenes – Flavia is happiest when headed to a movie theatre or enjoying one of her two favorite foods *french fries and *salad (yes, salad..I have talked to her about therapy:).

I first met Stéphane in 2003′ when visiting Flavia in Strasbourg, FR. Flavia said to me at the time, I want you to meet this guy I have been dating in Paris, his name is Stéphane and I really like him …one year later on July 17th I was attending their wedding in Normandy, France. 

Stéphane Marie was born in Paris and has lived in or on the edge of Paris his whole life…a passionate Parisian. Stéphane is a true renaissance man!

Stéphane will arrive home from his Account Manager role at the world’s largest internet hotel bookings company–Booking.com– and begin preparing a gourmet Asian Indian dinner for his family, while fixing an electronic household device, while speaking fluent Italian with one of Flavia’s family members on the phone…while joggling a Q&A conversation with me (easiest part of his night) on why historically Paris and France are the way they are…while helping his daughters with their homework and “fervently” disagreeing with a football (soccer) call on the television. As you see Stéphane is extremely bright and just happens to speak 3 languages fluently and 2 more socially. Stéphane is a proud father who is also always ready to help anyone, for any reason, at any time! Behind the scenes — Stéphane is a sports car (Ferrari’s in particular), Ailgot (a mashed potato and tomme de savoie cheese combo), “Pittsburgh rare” steak junkie.

Ok, now you have a little bit more insight on why I treasure these two individuals…I know I’m starting to sound like I’m writing two Match.com ads :-) …but one last tidbit on their personalities…they are both VERY funny and quick-witted…and do yourself a favor and have them on speed dial as your lifeline for Movie and Music trivia!

Here are some pictures of Flavia, Stéphane and their beautiful family.

Emilia, Stéphane, Isabella, Flavia

The Marie Clan

Two beautiful sisters…

Emilia watching over her brother Alexandre.

Alexandre is being taught why “aligot” (mashed potato and melted cheese) and Pittsburgh rare steak should have it’s own place on the food pyramid!




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