French Class 101

Bonjour Everyone! I thought you would enjoy meeting my fellow classmates from my 5 day a week, 4 weeks straight, 4 hours a day intensive French class (held in September).

My classmates represent the following countries:
Italy, Spain, Napal, Lithuania, Iraq, Poland, Peru, Japan, Cuba, Serbia, and of course the great USA….missing from the photo were the 3 very nice young ladies from India, Colombia and China.
Every person in this picture (except yours truly) spoke a minimum of 2 languages fluently….and French was becoming their 3rd language, or with certain individuals their 4th or 5th language….very humbling to say the least from an intellectual stand point.
It was required that each person in this class spoke fluent Spanish or English (outside of their mother tongue)…so the teacher could explain concepts when stuck with the ALL French lessons ….our teacher spoke 4 languages fluently. Everyone in the class spoke English very well or strong enough to get by. When asked what languages (other than English) I could speak …I told everyone I could speak in sign language, so no one knew what I was saying when I demonstrated :-)…yeah baby…I’m a problem solver !!
After 10 seconds of demonstrating my sign language I smiled and everyone laughed. 

Alliance Française World Headquarters — my 2nd home for 1 full month.


French Teacher — Helen

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