Bikram Yoga….It’s definitely not your “sweating to the oldies” class !

I have always been fascinated by Yoga and it’s tenets, so what better time than before I travel to India this winter to dive into (or should I say sweat and stretch into) a centuries old art form.

With a number of Yoga styles to choose from, I decided to try one of the more demanding yogas (for workout purposes) and chose the original hot yoga -”Bikram”.

Bikram yoga is performed in a room heated to 105 degrees (40 celsius). A 90 minute class that covers/performs 26 of the 84 yoga postures. Bikram is unique because each class performs the same 26 postures while incorporating 2 breathing techniques. Once you become familiar with the postures and the dialogue from the instructor you can begin to concentrate on the meditation aspect of yoga — i.e. staying focused, using smooth movements, maintaining perfect alignment and posture — creating harmony with mind and body.

All 84 postures of Yoga. I can send you pictures of me performing these postures but I don’t want to intimidate you :)…plus, I don’t want my insurance premiums to go up!











Ok, sounds fun and easy right? Oh nooooo, it is a great workout that can humble you instantly (500 to 800 calories can be burned per class). You realize how non-flexible you really are and how difficult it is to do and maintain a seemingly easy legs crossed position and/or standing on one leg while trying to balance your body in order to achieve other yoga positions….please pass the icy-hot (Ben-Gay for old schoolers)!

I joined the Bikram rive gauche (left bank) studio in the 14th arrondissement. Michelle Leonard is the mastermind and owner of this brand new studio (Oct 2012′). Michelle is American and originally from Syracuse, New York. Michelle and her instructors have completed the intense 9 week Bikram Yoga Teacher Training Program with Bikram Choudhury. Michelle has permanently lived in Paris for 20 years, she arrived in 1991′ as a nanny, fell in love with the city and now calls it home with her family. The Bikram rive gauche studio is beautiful with it’s clean line design and simple esthetics for a peaceful setting (plus, a very neat and clean environment…as you know I need :).

Relaxation area before (or after) your 90 minute workout in the brand new 105 degree studio (studio entrance top left, up stairs).

Me and Michelle Leonard, owner of Bikram Rive Gauche Yoga Studio

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